Does Smart Wishlist increase load time of your Store?

The answer is NO. The average load time of our App is close to Zero seconds. This is due to App Cache which does not wait for our server to display the Wishlist.

The only exception is the very first time the App is loaded on a browser. After that App Cache takes over resulting in almost Zero Latency.

If you perceive any delay it could be because our App is triggered late by Shopify, depending upon the resources present on the page.

A thumb rule to understand this is that once the page loading spinner of browser stops, the wishlist is triggered by Shopify.

Does the App alter the load time of Store?

Technically our App can’t alter store’s page load time. This is because our App doesn’t directly add any external javascript or stylesheet to your store pages. If you view the HTML Source code of any page, you shall find our App’s script reside inside asyncLoad() function. These scripts are added using script tags and are loaded asynchronously and that too only after the page has finished loading.

The asyncLoad() function is triggered only after the entire page has fully loaded. It is attached to the onload event of the window variable in Javascript.

Any Shopify App using script tags can’t interfere with your store’s page load time.

In case you perceive any delay in the loading of Wishlist, it could be due to late triggering of our App and any apps scheduled before it (in asyncLoad function).

Does this impact Conversion Rate?

No. It won’t impact either Bounce Rate or Conversion Rate on your store. The App is loaded almost immediately after the complete page load.

Which apps are scheduled to load before Smart Wishlist?

If you view the HTML source of any page of your store, and search for asyncLoad, you shall notice that there is a list of URLs inside this function. These URLs correspond to the Apps you have installed on your store. When your page has fully loaded, these URLs are called in the same sequence.

Why does Pingdom red flags the App if it doesn’t impact the page load timing?

Before you analyze the results of Pingdom test, you need to understand the following two things:

1. Our App is loaded on your store using Script Tags, which actually embeds a script in the the asyncload() function present in the section. When the entire page has loaded including CSS, JS, Images, Fonts, then only Shopify triggers asyncload function, which in turn loads our App. As its name implies, asyncload function loads the scripts asynchronously (via AJAX) i.e. in background after page load. This means, it will never impact the page load time for users. Pingdom will definitely notice it, but for users it won’t make any difference.

2. On User’s browser we cache all our scripts and resources so that from the second page load onwards, our app gets loaded immediately without waiting for a response from our server. On Pingdom, that cache doesn’t work so it would surely display inaccurate results for our App.

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