How to Integrate Smart RSS feed with Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is one of the most popular emailing system currently. Using RSS feed you can automatically deliver your product or blog articles to your store’s subscribers/customers. This article deals with automatically sending your blog updates via Mailchimp.

NOTE: The App Mailchimp for Shopify won’t work after May 12, 2019. Therefore, in order to continue using Mailchimp, you need to install a free app Shopsync

Log in to your Mailchimp Dashboard and follow the below steps:

1. Click on Create Campaign.

2. Select Campaign type as Email.

3. On the screen that follows, jump to “Advanced” tab and select Share Blog Updates

4. Enter a campaign Name and Select a list of subscribers. Click Begin.

5. In the “RSS feed and send timing” settings, enter your Blog RSS Feed URL. You can find this URL in App’s Settings in Shopify Admin. You can also find it by replacing the with your store domain and news with the handle of your blog in the below sample URL. The target=mailchimp part should remain unaltered.

Specify the sending time as per your customer’s local time.

You may check the box labeled, Resize RSS feed images to fit template

Click Next.​

NOTE: If you see an error message when you enter your RSS feed address, run it through a feed validator. If you are unable to diagnose the problem, please contact us.

6. (Optional) In case you want to send the mail to one particular segment of customers, specify it or just click Next. It can be changed later.

7. Check the Email Subject. It contains merge tags such as *|RSSFEED:TITLE|*  and *|RSSFEED:DATE|* . The |RSSFEED:TITLE| inserts the <title> of your RSS feed as setup in App’s Settings. The *|RSSITEM:TITLE|* merge tag can be used in the subject line of your RSS campaign to pull in the title of your most recent blog post, but you should thoroughly test your campaign before you send. A few factors contribute to whether the title of the most recent post will always display.

Click Next when you are satisfied with the values.

8 Select a Layout. To begin with we recommend 1 Column under Basic.

9. In the template editor, delete the body block by clicking the Trash icon.

On the Right sidebar, you will see several blocks of content. Select the RSS Items block and drag it to location which says Drop Content Blocks here

10. Once you have added the RSS Items block to the template, click the Edit Block icon on the top right side of the block.

In Right Sidebar, under “RSS Items Style”, select custom. A code editor window would appear. In the code editor click the “<>” icon and replace the existing code with the following code. You can definitely format the HTML as per your requirements, but make sure that RSS tags (those beginning and ending with asterisk or star *) are left intact. 

<h2 class="mc-toc-title"><a href="*|RSSITEM:URL|*" target="_blank">*|RSSITEM:TITLE|*</a></h2>
<em>By *|RSSITEM:AUTHOR|* on *|RSSITEM:DATE|*</em><br />
<a href="*|RSSITEM:URL|*" target="_blank">Read in browser »</a><br />
<br />
*|END:RSSITEMS|*<br />
<br />
<h3 class="h3">Recent Articles:</h3>

11. Click “Preview and Test” link at the top and select “Send a test email”. Enter your mail Id and send the test mail. Check the email received and if you notice any issues with the content, fix the same in the template.

Click Next. If any issues are displayed, click Resolve or Edit to make changes to any section of the campaign.

12. Click Start RSS to send your RSS campaign based on the schedule you chose, or click the drop-down arrow and choose Send Now and start RSS campaign to immediately send a campaign and start the schedule. 

If you face any issues, you may refer to the below resources

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