Mobile Menu not getting displayed on Wishlist page on Symmetry Theme

On Stores using Symmetry theme, the mobile menu doesn’t load on Wishlist Page even after repeated clicks. This happens because the jQuery fancybox throws an error. In order to fix this, please add the following code towards the closing </body> tag in layout/theme.liquid. This code is loaded only on the Wishlist page. Other pages remain unaffected.

{% unless template %}
$('.multi-level-nav ul li a:not(.has-children)').each(function(){
var $siblingUL = $(this).siblings('ul');
if($siblingUL.length > 0) {
if($siblingUL.hasClass('listed')) {
$(this).addClass('has-children listing-title');
} else {
$(this).addClass('has-children').append('<span class="exp"><span>+</span>'+theme.icons.chevronDown+'</span>');
$(document).on('click clickinstant', '.multi-level-nav a.has-children', function(e){
var navAnimSpeed = 200;
if(e.type == 'clickinstant') {
navAnimSpeed = 0;

//Mobile main nav?
if($(this).closest('#main-nav').length == 1 && $('#main-nav').css('position') == 'fixed') {
if($(this).parent().hasClass('mobile-expanded')) {
$(this).siblings('ul').slideUp(navAnimSpeed, function(){

} else {
$(this).siblings('ul').slideDown(navAnimSpeed, function(){
} else {
//Large menu
//Not for list titles
if($(this).hasClass('listing-title')) return true;

//Set some useful vars
var $tierEl = $(this).closest('[class^="tier-"]');
var $tierCont = $tierEl.parent();
var targetTierNum = parseInt($tierEl.attr('class').split('-')[1]) + 1;
var targetTierClass = 'tier-' + targetTierNum;
var $targetTierEl = $tierCont.children('.' + targetTierClass);

///Remove nav for all tiers higher than this one
if(parseInt($(this).attr('class').split('-')[1]) >= targetTierNum) {

//Are we expanding or collapsing
if($(this).hasClass('expanded')) {
//Collapsing. Reset state
$(this).removeClass('expanded').find('.exp span').html('+');
} else {
///Show nav
//Reset other nav items at this level
$tierEl.find('a.expanded').removeClass('expanded').find('.exp span').html('+');
//If next tier div doesn't exist, make it
if($targetTierEl.length == 0) {
$targetTierEl = $('<div />').addClass(targetTierClass).appendTo($tierCont).hide();
$targetTierEl.empty().stop().append($(this).siblings('ul').clone().attr('style','')).slideDown(navAnimSpeed, function(){
$(this).css('height', ''); //Clear height
//Mark as expanded
$(this).addClass('expanded').find('.exp span').html('-');
return false;

/// Mobile nav
$(document).on('click', '.mobile-nav-toggle', function(e){
$('#main-nav div[class^="tier-"]:not(.tier-1)').remove(); //Remove any expanded rows
$('<a href="#" class="mobile-nav-toggle" id="mobile-nav-return"></a>').appendTo('body');
{% endunless %}

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