Smart Wishlist supports wishlist sharing in the most convenient way. The Wishlist can be shared and viewed by others despite abiding by our USP of no registration or login. This article provides more insight about the Wishlist Sharing.
When a user clicks ‘Share Wishlist’ button on My Wishlist page, a modal (popup) displays the Shareable URL of the Wishlist. Users can simply copy the URL and share it on their preferred medium such as Social Media, email, IMs etc. The Shareable URL presents a read only version of User’s Wishlist. Users can also click on any of the several Social Sharing buttons to share it directly to the selected social channel.

By default, we have enabled Addthis social sharing buttons. If you want to customize these buttons, you can bring-in your own Addthis key and enter it in the Merchant Console.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions related to the Wishlist Sharing.
1. What is the difference between Shared Wishlist and My Wishlist?
A: Shared Wishlist is a ready only version of user’s My Wishlist page. It doesn’t have Remove buttons.
2. Can users edit the Wishlist after it is shared?
A: Yes, the Wishlist can be edited as usual and any changes to it would be reflected in the shared version of the Wishlist.
3. When the Wishlist is shared on Facebook/Twitter the title/image displayed is wrong? How can I determine the title of Shared Wishlist?
A: The Title/image displayed on Facebook is derived from the Open Graph Meta tags present in the section of any page. The Wishlist page derives its open graph meta tags from theme.liquid file of your active theme in Shopify. If you want to specify the title and image to be displayed, you can set it as ‘og:title’ and ‘og:image’ meta tags respectively.
With slight changes in your theme.liquid, you can easily customize the open graph tags for My Wishlist page. If you need any help on this, please contact us.
4. Can I determine which Social buttons are displayed with the Share Wishlist modal?
A: Yes. For this you need to enter your own Addthis publisher key under the Sharing Settings in Merchant Console=>Wishlist Page. Then you can customize the button from Addthis Control Panel directly.
5. I do not want to keep any social sharing buttons. Can I hide all of them?
A: Yes, there is option for this in Merchant Console.
6. Can I view Social Sharing Statistics?
A: Yes. For this you need to enter your own Addthis publisher key under the Sharing Settings as in #1 above.
7. Does the app support Sharethis or any other URL sharing service?
A: No, the app only supports Addthis. Sharethis used to be a fantastic tool but it recently curtailed several features and therefore we decided not to proceed with it.
Disclaimer: We do not have any partnership/affiliation with Addthis for Wishlist sharing. We selected it because we found it to be the best available Sharing tool.