How to migrate your existing Wishlist data to Smart Wishlist?

If you are switching to Smart Wishlist, you may consider migrating your existing Wishlist data to our database, so that your existing customers can continue using their existing Wishlists.

We provide support for transfer of wishlist data from various wishlist installations including but not limited to the following

1. Theme based Wishlists

Most theme based Wishlists work by adding product ids as customer tags or customer metadata. We can process both of them. To get it done, please contact our Support.

2. Wishlist @ $2

Please ask the App Developer for the wishlist data export in CSV format which you can mail to us.

3. Wishlist+Share+Reminders

Please ask the App Developer for the wishlist data export in CSV format which you can mail to us.

4. Any other Wishlist App

Please ask the App Developer for the wishlist data export in CSV format which you can mail to us.


5. Magento/BigCommerce/WooCommerce/Prestashop

If you are migrating your store to Shopify and desire to migrate the wishlists, you need to get the wishlist data exported and sent to us.

For Magento, we are aware of this extension which can be used to create the Export CSV. For other platforms, you can browse the plugin store or get in touch with us.


Preferred Import Format

For us, the most preferred format to upload the data would be a CSV with following columns (product id, variant id, customer id). If the existing wishlist doesn’t store any variant information, the id of first variant of every product can be considered as the variant id.

However this is not a limitation. If the export format varies, we can process the same to meet our import requirements. Sometimes, depending on the effort involved, this may attract a small fee.

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